Crescent Kashmir

Kashmiri director’s Bollywood movie attracts audience in Srinagar

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Srinagar;Seeking justice for 8-year-old Umer Farooq who was brutally murdered after being kidnapped from his native village in Gulgam Kupwara last year, AIP president Er Rasheed has appealed for a thorough introspection in the society to get rid of criminal elements.
Speaking on functions at Gulgam organized to pay tributes to Umer Farooq on his first death anniversary, Er Rasheed said. “While it is encouraging that sources within the crime branch claim to have reached very close to the culprits, it is need of the hour to avoid further delay in resolving the mystery. Crime branch must come out with its findings and take the investigation of the barbaric incident to its logical end so that trial in a fast track court is initiated.”
Rasheed further added that while entire humanity within and outside state got shocked after the incident but we all need to have a sincere introspection to find out the reasons behind such sick and barbaric mentality that can turn humans worst than the wild beasts.
The society needs an introspection to find out reasons that why it is losing moral values and a huge chunk of youth are becoming drug addicts. Parents, teachers, religious clerics and common masses need to unite and ensure that the entire society is made de-addicted from the menace of drugs, he said.

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