Crescent Kashmir

Ahead Of Donald Trump Visit, US Congressmen Raise Concerns On Kashmir

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Ami Bera and George Holding — belonging to the Democratic and Republican parties respectively — expressed hope that political detainees in the Valley are released soon.

New Delhi: 

Two US Congressmen from opposite sides of America’s political divide today expressed concern over the Kashmir issue, insisting that the Narendra Modi government release political detainees and restore normalcy in the region at the earliest.

Ami Bera, Democrat Chair of Asia Pacific Group of House Foreign Affairs Committee in the US Congress, and Republican George Holding, who is co-chair of the India caucus, are both visiting India.

Mr Bera told reporters in Delhi that they are keen on bringing a US congressional delegation to Kashmir. “We have expressed our concern on the continued detention of political leaders in Kashmir. We would like to see an early return to normalcy there,” he said in New Delhi.

George Holding expressed a similar sentiment. “A stable political situation in Kashmir is important for its economic development. Increasing economic development in Kashmir is important,” he said.

The comments come days ahead of US President Donald Trump’s visit to India through February 24 and 25, an occasion expected to highlight the bonhomie between the two countries. In the past, Donald Trump had repeatedly offered to mediate between India and Pakistan on Kashmir, which India firmly rejected. NDTV

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