Crescent Kashmir

Altaf Bukhari condemns Sopore firing incident

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Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari on Saturday condemned the Sopore firing incident in which two policemen and two civilians were killed besides three others sustaining severe injuries.


In a statement issued here, Bukhari termed the attack most gruesome and heart wrenching. “Violence has never been a solution but a huge impediment in peace and progress of any society. Extremist forces are only adding to the sufferings of people. Regardless of any political, ideological or religious motivations—violence in any of its manifestations is unacceptable,” Bukhari added.


He said that the senseless violence has ravaged all the sections of the society in Jammu and Kashmir inflicting a heavy toll on precious human lives. “Not only a generation of humans has been lost to this barbaric mode of communication but forces inimical to peace have also wrecked havoc to the socio-economic conditions of the people during the last over three decades,” he observed.


While extending heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families, Bukhari prayed for eternal peace to the departed souls and courage to their families to bear the irretrievable loss.  “Apni Party stands in solidarity with the families of slain cops and civilians in this hard and pressing time. We also wish speedy recovery of the injured and urge the government to facilitate their best treatment available at an earliest,” Bukhari remarked.  (KNS)


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