Crescent Kashmir

Sports competitions

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With focus on sports activities, the Deputy Commissioner inaugurated Inter-Zonal Sports competitions at Indoor Stadium.

He congratulated the organisers for encouraging participation of youth in games and sports, he hoped that the enthusiasm of young boys and girls towards sports would continue with the same pace and no stone would be left unturned in taking sports interest of our youngsters to the newer heights.

He said that the sport has invaluable importance in the lives of youth and plays a pivotal role in the makeup of a young athlete. Besides instilling values like discipline, responsibility, self-confidence and mutual brotherhood among the participants it also nurtures physical as well as mental health of the youth, the DC further added.

He complimented DYSSO Srinagar for his exemplary managerial skill in organising big sports events flawlessly.

He administered the participating players’ pledge against the menace of drug abuse.

Earlier, the Joint Director YSS while sharing details about the participation of students in such activities in Srinagar District, said that more than 40000 young student players participated in games like Football, Badminton, Volleyball, Chess, Table, Tennis, and other games at interschool level at District Srinagar. He added that during the last few weeks Inter School and Inter Zonal Level activities in various games are being organised across the Kashmir division.

Pertinently the zonal level competitions shall continue till 5th of the current month and student players are being adjudged by senior and experienced employees of the Department.

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