Crescent Kashmir

Student enrolment

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School education in Jammu and Kashmir is getting lot of push by many centrally sponsored schemes.

Recently Advisor Bhatnagar reviewed performance of School Education Department.

He reviewed implementation of   Samagra Shiksha, PM-POSHAN, New India Literacy Program, PM-SHRI schemes across J&K

He also called upon both the Directors for placement of sufficient teachers in hard zone areas so that desired Pupil-Teacher ratio is met.

He delved upon the officers to prepare a holistic plan for development of particular sports in each school in consultation with Youth Services and Sports department so that students can be provided an opportunity of excelling in their sport of interest also. He asked them to prepare a sports infrastructure database of each school so that required facilities can be established in these schools.

Analysing the infrastructure status of schools, Advisor Bhatnagar made out that the timely utilisation of funds is paramount for successful completion of projects being executed under various schemes. He called upon the officers to complete all projects within set timelines.

The Advisor, in the meeting, also took stock of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme. He asked the officers to make the child friendly furniture as well as ECCE kits available in all identified schools.

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