Crescent Kashmir

Progressive education

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Recently Chief Secretary, held a meeting of School Education Department (SED) to take stock of the projects taken up under different schemes and the modern technology based learning solutions for the students.

Regarding VSK, Jammu it was revealed that it is going to be commissioned soon. It was divulged that it would be helpful in monitoring Samagra Shiksha projects on real-time basis, besides tracking academic and non-academic activities, help in improving student’s performance, teacher’s accountability and resource usage besides setting up a centralised grievance help desk and creating a real-time school performance dashboard for the UT.

Giving details about the PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) scheme, it was given out that selected schools will showcase the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020 and emerge as exemplar schools over a period of time.

Under this scheme, it was divulged that 233 schools including 74 Middle Schools, 114 High Schools and 45 Hr Secondary Schools were taken in J&K in first phase. It targets creation of 45 Atal Tinkering labs @Rs. 10.00 Lacs, 159 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) labs @ Rs. 10.00 Lacs and 45 Science Centres @Rs. 08.00 Lacs in these Schools.

As far as other infrastructure is concerned, it was informed that 89 KGBV hostels were sanctioned for running elementary level classes (6th to 8th) for Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs). Out of these, 35 KGBVS are 100 bedded and 54 KGBVS are 50 bedded. It was further apprised that 73 KGBV buildings have been completed and rest are in progress and slated to be finished by March,2025.

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