PMAY-G houses
J&K administration is providing basic needs to the poor population in far flung areas.
Recently Chief Secretary, impressed upon the Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (RD&PR) Department to work for meeting housing targets given under PMAY-Grameen and other schemes implemented by the Department.
The meeting was further informed that 100% convergence under the scheme ensures making available these PMAY-G houses with all basic amenities.
Regarding the implementation of RLM here it was revealed by the MD, JKRLM that 90908 SHGs had been formed across the UT with involvement of 742507 households.
It was also given out that RF in favour of 67754 SHGs (Rs 101.63 Cr) and CIF in favour of 57696 (Rs353.2 Cr)had been released till now. In addition 7025 Village Organisations (VO),588 Cluster Level Federations (CLF) and 12 number of FPOs formed first time under the mission.
About the introduction of Lok Operating System (LoKOS) it was divulged that it is umbrella Mobile applicationĀ and a Single source of up-to-date and validated data for registering members, create CBOs and capture & validate their information under NRLM/SRLM. The app is also managing operations such as attendance, savings, loans disbursal, repayments, book-keeping and other financial activities.
About Lakhpati Didi, it was said that the UT has been assigned a target of supporting 2.33 Lakh households to be converted into Lakhpati fold over a period of 2 yeas and JKRLM had identified 236475 potential lakhpati Didis to be supported to meet the target.