Crescent Kashmir

New approach

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Recently  Deputy Commissioner chaired a meeting of the District-Level Implementation Committee to review the progress of the Community Bore Wells initiative under the Per Drop More Crop component of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.
The scheme aims to provide irrigation facilities to rainfed and kandi areas, as well as regions at the tail end of major irrigation canals. Designed to ensure equitable water distribution across the Union Territory, each bore well is expected to irrigate approximately 10 hectares of farmland.
Joint surveys conducted by the Agriculture, Horticulture, and Command Area Development departments have led to the shortlisting of feasible sites for bore well installation. The committee assessed the proposed locations, considering factors such as groundwater availability and accessibility for farmers.
He underscored the importance of sustainable water management and the need for a balanced approach. “Water availability is crucial for sustaining agriculture in these challenging terrains. Scientific assessment and sustainable water management must go hand in hand to make this project a success,” he said. He also stressed that irrigation expansion should not come at the cost of depleting groundwater reserves.
The discussion further centred on water distribution mechanisms post-installation. Members highlighted that awareness initiatives have been conducted to educate farmers on the scheme’s benefits and optimal irrigation practices.

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