Transparent services
Recently Transport Commissioner, paid surprise visit to the office of Assistant Regional Transport Officer, Reasi and issued several directives aimed at ensuring deliverance of all services within the notified timelines as outlined under the Public Services Guarantee Act (PSGA).
He cautioned that any deviation from these standards would lead to severe consequences and the erring officials would be dealt with strictly as per law. He reiterated the department’s unwavering commitment towards ensuring added transparency, accountability and public service efficiency.
He called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to elevate the transport infrastructure in the region which is prerequisite to prevent fatal accidents. He underscored the need to identify “hungry routes” where public transportation is severely lacking so that immediate action is taken in collaboration with the district administration ensuring enhanced connectivity and accessibility for the public.
He supervised the scheduled driving tests in Reasi and issued strict instructions regarding fair conduct of the trials with zero tolerance against any discrepancy on this account. He stressed that every aspect of the driving test must fully comply with the Central Motor Vehicles Act (CMVA) and all associated regulations.