
 Crescent Kashmir

Transparent system

Transparent system

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is trying to provide a transparent system to the common people by giving them online services. Domicile certificates are being given to the people online without visiting the concerned office or officer. The data corroborates this change in the nature of offering and delivering government services to the citizens […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Online services

Online services

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has been trying to provide corruption free administration to the people and have switched to online services for this purpose. Recently Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir has asked the officers to expedite the auto-appeal feature for all the 445 online services to root out chances of corruption. He […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Youth Clubs

Youth Clubs

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has established Youth Clubs in every district to engage with youth as it feels that it is the future. Recently DC Srinagar reviewed the functioning of Youth Clubs in this district. He said that District Youth Centre to be established to provide a congenial environment for youth engagement and […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Various initiatives

Various initiatives

In order to provide the common people with transparent administration, the J & K government has taken several initiatives for this purpose. Recently citizen friendly registration has been initiated to provide more relief to the people. Inspector General of Registration, J&K has reaffirmed that several initiatives have been taken or are in the pipeline for […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Completing targets

Completing targets

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is trying hard to complete the important projects within the timelines. In this direction recently Secretary Planning has asked all departments to achieve completion targets of works under Capex budget as per directions of Chief Secretary. He reviews UT Capex works & CSS with Planning heads of all Administrative […]

 Crescent Kashmir

GST symposium

GST symposium

As the GST collection is showing a healthy trend in Jammu and Kashmir, the government is taking many initiatives for public awareness. Recently the Lt Governor inaugurated the GST symposium & Tax awareness initiative ‘Kar-Tavya’. The GST symposium is being organized by the J & K State Taxes Department in collaboration with The Institute of […]

 Crescent Kashmir

5G Services

5G Services

5G Services in Jammu and Kashmir will have its positive impacts on the overall development especially in the rural areas. Lt Governor recently launched Jio True 5G Services for J&K. He congratulated the citizens of the J&K UT, he said the 5G services will play an active role in socio-economic development, enable integrated action for […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Power projects

Power projects

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir in the past few years has kept its focus and priority for the power infrastructure projects. Recently Lt Governor Manoj Sinha inaugurated power infrastructure projects worth Rs.192 crores in Jammu and Kashmir. The 25 projects inaugurated included 22 receiving stations costing Rs 50 cr; Smart Metering project costing Rs […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Property Tax

Property Tax

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has responded with the detailed statement about the imposition of Property Tax and has asked the people to cooperate for their collective good. Government said that collections should be utilized exclusively for developmental activities in respective Municipalities. In a meeting recently chaired by the Chief Secretary to deliberate upon […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Tourism footfall

Tourism footfall

As tourism is picking up in Jammu and Kashmir, there have been a lot of complaints by many visitors regarding cheating at different tourist spots. Recently J&K Tourism Department said that they have registered251 complaints of cheating, other TT Act violations during 2022, settling 247 number of complaints. During the investigations they have recovered Rs. […]