Crescent Kashmir

Airlift essential items

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With authorities of UT of Jammu and Kashmir busy in enforcing lockdown in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir, there is little focus on the facts like 800 trucks laden with essential items are stranded on highway for the past several days due to the closure of the road.

In such circumstances Srinagar city and other parts of valley are already facing problems to get the essential items as police and other wings of the government are enforcing lockdown to the extent of arresting common people if they venture out on the roads, most of the times looking for essential items.

Several hundred people have been arrested so far for violating the restrictions imposed by government in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19 infection. Similarly police has said that they have seized hundreds of vehicles for violating the restrictions.

Keeping whole population under lockdown becomes more difficult when the essential items are not available for the people like milk, vegetables etc.

Even after lot of claims by the central government that they will change the face of Kashmir by the abrogation article 370, even after 8 months, they could not keep the highway open. Under the central rule, Srinagar-Jammu highway now remains closed for days together. If there are rains, they are followed by landslides on this only surface link between Kashmir and rest of country. There has been no progress on the tunnel project for alternate highway of Mughal road, despite assurances by central government, to start the work soon.

In such circumstances it become duty of central government to avoid the break of supply chain in Kashmir valley and they should airlift essential items amid severe lockdown in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir.

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