Crescent Kashmir

DC Srinagar chairs meeting of Screening Committee for nomination of schools participating in SVP

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706 Schools registered till date

SRINAGAR, MAY 12: A meeting of District Level Screening Committee for nominations of schools for participating in Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar(SVP)- 2022, was today held under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad at Meeting Hall of the DC Office Complex, here.

Speaking on the occasion, the DC said that the Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar(SVP) has been instituted by the Union Ministry of Education to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in sanitation and hygiene practices in schools.

He said the purpose of SVP is to honour Schools that have undertaken significant steps towards fulfilling the mandate of the Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign and adhering to the standards of hygiene and cleanliness.

The DC asked the CEO to conduct internal screening of the schools and make sure that all schools participating in Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar have maintained facilities like Sanitation, Hand hygiene system, COVID-19 preparedness and response system.

Earlier, the Chief Education Officer, Manzoor Ahmad Kumar apprised the DC that from Srinagar District as many as 706 Schools are registered for Swachh Vidhalaya Puraskar 2021-22 out of which 475 schools have applied so far. Among these 239 were assigned 3 stars, 285 were assigned 4 stars and 14 were assigned 5 stars by the Government of India.

He was further informed that a team of 72 Evaluators was nominated to evaluate the parameters as well as a questionnaire provided by MHRD which has been directed to complete the evaluation process by or before 15-05-2022.

The meeting among others was attended by the Chief Planning Officer, Chief Education Officer, Executive Engineer, PHE, Chief Medical Officer, senior Lecturers and other members of these Committee.

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