Crescent Kashmir

Progressive Gram Panchayats

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Progressive Gram Panchayats are easing the life of the common man in the village by improving the developmental scenario and also by the efficient delivery of public service.

In the last few years, many progressive Gram Panchayats have successfully raised plantations on available vacant lands and established ‘Village Panchayat Funds’ to finance such developmental activities as per needs of their Panchayats.

During, July 2021, Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha while handing over cheques to 41 such Gram Panchayats ranging from Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 30 lakhs, expressed his satisfaction on the successful partnership of Department of Social Forestry and Gram Panchayats and emphasised to involve more and more Gram Panchayats in this process.

During 2022, funds worth Rs. 30 lakhs were transferred to five Gram panchayats and in current year the figure may go up to more than two crores benefitting more than 30 GPs as per official statement of the department. This model of collaborative working is an important milestone in the journey of implementation of Panchayati Raj Act towards the empowerment of PRIs and their active role in transforming the developmental landscape of Jammu & Kashmir.

As per the Departmental Communique, after such success stories, many other Gram Panchayats have been coming forward and offering parcels of lands to raise plantations and silvi-pasture models.

With the proactive participation of Gram Panchayats, during 2022-23 financial year, plantation of 32 lakh plants in 3500 GPs is being taken up which marks an increase of more than 60% percent over the average achievements prior to 2017-18 and it is expected that achievements would further increase in coming financial year, the official communique adds.

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