Solid Waste Management
Solid waste management is a growing concern in Jammu and Kashmir especially in the cities of Srinagar and Jammu. Though both the cities have been brought under the ambit of smart cities , solid waste management is still an issue and the government is trying to solve it not only for the present but also for the future expansion of the cities.
Recently the Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir while reviewing the different schemes in urban development observed that cities, towns have to prioritize solid waste management over addressing the issue arising from chronic water logging and provision of amenities like parks, gardens.
He directed the SMC Commissioner to do an impact analysis of the storm drainage projects in Srinagar city from the perspective of whether the intended objectives of sustainably addressing the issue of water logging have been achieved.
He directed that all the ongoing 21 projects should be completed by March 2022. In reference to the ongoing project, namely multi tier parking at Panjtirthi, he directed that since three levels have already been constructed, the remaining fourth level should be completed by Jan 2022 and if the executing authority holds a contrarian view, he shall have to explain the reasons within the next week.
He directed both the Commissioners of the Municipal Corporations to put in place a SoP for septic management and ensure that there is annual cleaning of drains especially during pre and post monsoon season.