
 Crescent Kashmir

Monitoring Dashboard

Monitoring Dashboard

Government has a lot of focus on agriculture and allied sectors in Jammu and Kashmir. Recently the Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department (APD), reviewed the status of the Agriculture Apex Monitoring Dashboard. He exhorted developers, officers to work in ‘Mission Mode’ for timely achievement. He exhorted upon the developers and the departments to […]

 Crescent Kashmir

New schemes

New schemes

In order to impart the better benefits of NEP-2020, the government is going to start 435 SHRI Schools in Jammu and Kashmir. Pedagogy to be adopted in these schools will be more experiential, holistic, integrated, play/toy-based (particularly, in the foundational years) inquiry-driven, discovery-oriented, learner-centred, discussion-based, flexible and enjoyable. Focus will be on learning outcomes of […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Sports infrastructure

Sports infrastructure

  There is a lot of focus on the building of sports infrastructure across Jammu and Kashmir so that more youth get the opportunity to show their talent. Recently LG Manoj Sinha inaugurated 94 sports infrastructure projects worth Rs 46.07 crore (88 under CAPEX and 6 under JKIDFC). The projects include stadiums, playfields, lighting projects, […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Multiplication farms

Multiplication farms

Government of Jammu and Kashmir is trying to make and establish more sheep and goat farms and also poultry farms to give a push to this sector on the ground. Recently the Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department (APD), held a review meeting in order to ascertain the ground realities about different projects started […]

 Crescent Kashmir

New project

New project

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir recently decided to give a boost to the floriculture industry in Jammu and Kashmir by approving a mega 39 crores project. This project will boost flower production in Jammu and Kashmir and create new employment opportunities for youth. The new project aims to address the challenges facing the floriculture […]

 Crescent Kashmir

e- Agriculture Market

e- Agriculture Market

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is trying to provide more linkages and market facilities to the farmers so that they can sell their produce at the national level. Recently, the Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department, reviewed the status of linkage of mandis of Jammu and Kashmir with e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) in […]

 Crescent Kashmir

JMRDA Projects

JMRDA Projects

Jammu Metropolitan Region Development Authority (JMRDA) projects are very important for the development of Jammu region. Recently Divisional Commissioner Jammu held a review meeting and called for expediting pace to ensure timeline completion of these projects He took stock of the status of ongoing projects including Development of Transport Nagar Jammu, construction of Parking/ Bus […]

 Crescent Kashmir



Central government has rolled out the ‘U-WIN’ pilot project for immunization services. Recently the Health Secretary launched a portal for Samba, Pulwama districts under this project. After the success of eVIN (pillar-1) and CoWIN (pillar-2), the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has rolled out the 3rd pillar ‘U-WIN’ for immunization services which will […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Honey production

Honey production

Bee production is going to emerge as a major economic activity in the rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir in the coming three years. The government has approved a project of Rs 47 crores for the promotion of beekeeping in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. After implementation of the project, the number of bee […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Power shutdown

Power shutdown

JAMMU, FEBRUARY 03: Chief Engineer (Distribution), JPDCL, Jammu has informed that the power supply to SMVDU University Campus shall remain affected on February 04 from 10 am to 5 pm. Similarly, the power supply to Ramsoo, Neel, Ukhral, Khari and adjoining areas shall remain affected on February 04 from 9 am to 5 pm. Likewise, […]