
 Crescent Kashmir

Health cover

Health cover

In order to provide health cover to every citizen of Jammu and Kashmir, the administration is working on the ground and even the pocket expenditure made by the patients would be reimbursed in future. Recently Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir chaired the 5th Governing Council Meeting of State Health Agency (SHA) and also reviewed […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Level playing field

Level playing field

The J & K administration is trying to give shape to its policies on the ground and is trying to make the system transparent. They are trying to create a system which can serve everyone on an equal basis and provide every section of society a level playing field. In this direction J&K administration has […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Infrastructure projects

Infrastructure projects

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is trying hard on the ground to complete infrastructure projects especially the roads in the difficult terrain areas. Road connectivity is very important in the Chenab valley region as on an average a lot of human lives are consumed due to road accidents. It is imperative that the existing […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Border road projects

Border road projects

In the past few years there has been a special emphasis on the road connectivity in border areas of Jammu and Kashmir. Central government has provided funds for different road projects in these areas and such connectivity will change the socio economic condition of the inhabitants in these areas. Recently LG Manoj Sinha visited the […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Horticulture Sector

Horticulture Sector

Among the many centrally sponsored schemes, the government of Jammu and Kashmir has special focus on the Horticulture Sector. Recently the Additional Chief Secretary held a review meeting to understand and know the progress under CAPEX, CSSs, NABARD & Deliverables in the Horticulture Sector of J&K. He called for speeding up progress in different schemes […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Developmental scenario

Developmental scenario

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is monitoring and reviewing all the developmental projects across Jammu and Kashmir. The administration is reviewing the projects so that they do not miss the timelines. Recently the Divisional Commissioner Jammu reviewed the developmental scenario, implementation of Govt schemes in Doda district. He inspected patient care facilities in District […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Farm sector

Farm sector

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is giving prime importance to the farm sector and has introduced many changes on the ground. Recently LG Manoj Sinha said that revival of traditional crops with market linkage support, GI tagging of local produce, high density plantation & allied activities have successfully brought prosperity for the farmers of […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Srinagar development

Srinagar development

Srinagar city is being developed under smart city project and many developmental projects are under progress. Not only the Srinagar city but the entire district of Srinagar has many developmental projects which are within the timeline of completion. Recently LG Manoj Sinha, e-inaugurated 18 development projects worth Rs 65.15 crore of District Srinagar. He chaired […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Mega road projects

Mega road projects

The Government of Jammu and Kashmir is focusing on the completion of mega road projects and for this purpose periodic review meetings are held. In this direction recently Lt Governor Manoj Sinha chaired high level meeting to review progress of mega road projects in J&K He took stock of the status of various roads, tunnels, […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Socio-economic development

Socio-economic development

Socio-economic development is important to grow and has some recognition on the global level. Recently LG Manoj Sinha said in a seminar that the country is becoming the world’s fifth-largest economy which shows our socio-economic development derives the strength from these values He addressed a seminar on ‘Society, Culture & Social Change: Kashmir & Beyond’ […]