
 Crescent Kashmir



Although the second wave of pandemic is at the lowest ebb, with no deaths in the past 24 hours, the shadows of infection are still working around us and we must take all the precautions to save ourselves from the possible third wave of the infection. Government has eased the restrictions and have now even […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Srinagar projects

Srinagar projects

Srinagar city being developed as a smart city along with Jammu is getting special focus and attention from the government so that these two cities of Jammu and Kashmir get the required projects completed within the timeline set by the authorities. Recently LG Manoj Sinha e-Inaugurated multiple projects of Srinagar Smart City so that it […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Youth in focus

Youth in focus

With youth in focus, Jammu and Kashmir administration has been introducing a lot of new skill development courses for the youth so that they can get the jobs after completing the courses. In this direction recently LG Manoj Sinha has asked his officers to revamp the Admission process in Polytechnics and ITIs for ensuring 100% […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Power woes

Power woes

In both Jammu and Srinagar power shortage is still a problem and the frequent power cuts have always irked the local population. In Jammu during these summer days it is almost impossible for people to remain without power supply as their coolers and other cooling systems only work on electricity. Similarly in Kashmir valley people […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Tourism revival

Tourism revival

The government of Jammu and Kashmir despite two waves of pandemic has been trying to revive tourism and in this direction they have been taking slew of measures so that tourists come here and the economy is revived. In this direction recently LG Manoj Sinha reviewed the functioning of the tourism department and has asked […]

 Crescent Kashmir

School Education

School Education

School Education has been in focus in Jammu and Kashmir especially in the past few months when during the online classes some children expressed their reservations about the burden of classes and the quantum of syllabus over them. When a girl went online and appealed PM Modi to intervene for the number of classes and […]

 Crescent Kashmir



In order to give boost and encouragement to the students to go for engineering management and other graduation courses, recently LG Manoj Sinha rolled out Sustainable Development Fellowship (LGSDF)” for Engineering, Management & other Graduates of J&K This Programme is to provide an institutional platform for research related to enhancing delivery of Government welfare schemes […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Lifting restrictions

Lifting restrictions

There is good news for the people of Jammu and Kashmir that covid positive cases are receding and the government is also trying to lift the restrictions from those areas which are showing minimum cases. In the past few weeks the government has been monitoring the situation with the feedback from the ground and looking […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Covid Task Force

Covid Task Force

The Jammu and Kashmir administration recently got the instructions from LG Manoj Sinha that they should prepare themselves for the future pandemic waves and have the capacity building exercise done in all the districts so that the officials are ready to face any situation. During the second wave of pandemic, Jammu and Kashmir administration especially […]

 Crescent Kashmir

Good governance

Good governance

LG Manoj Sinha has been stressing on the need for the good governance in Jammu and Kashmir and has in the recent past focused his attention on his administration. He has asked his officers that speed of decision making is critical, efforts should be to reduce delays in the implementation process, while dealing with many […]